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There has been an error on our site. Please try again later or contact our support (support@koronapos.com).
Your account is locked. Please contact the support via support@koronapos.com.
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To improve your and our security, we have integrated a new authentication system with the introduction of KORONA.studio on 02/26/2023. You must therefore set a new password if you are logging in for the first time since then or if you are logging in with a new user account for the first time.
New password
The new password must consist of at least 8 characters and must contain at least 3 of the 4 following criteria: Upper case, lower case, digit, special character
Confirm new password
The entries in the two fields for the new password do not match
Create new password
There has been an error on our site. Please try again later or contact our support (support@koronapos.com).
Your account is locked. Please contact the support via support@koronapos.com.
Your user account has been deactivated. Please contact your account administrator.
Forgot password?
An error occurred while logging in. Please try again. If it still does not work, try later or contact our support (support@koronapos.com).
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Remove username
Should the username really be removed from the account selection?